Support & Development

Service Down Support

All our services are hosted in the award winning Germany's biggest hosting company Hetzner. You can see Hetzner. Hetzner uptime is 99.99%.

For some services we use Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure is used and in that case, one of these logos will be displayed on your control panel. In a very rare case, when your server is down there's nothing to do do with support as there is 27/7 team dealing with the service and your service will be available again shortly.

NoCode/LowCode Development

Help and support with developing from ServiceHost programmers.

Hours of work                  Hourly rate
Up to 2 hours of€50 - €80 per hour
Between 3 - 20 hours of work€40-€60 per hour
Between 20-100 hours of work€35-€50 per hour
More than 100 hours of workFrom €30 per hour

Premium Support

You may be developing your business critical soltuons with non-programmers and may need a quick reaction time when something goes wrong. For €80 per month you will have the premium support service available for you withing maximum 2 hours (SLO - Service Level Objective).

Platinium Support

Platinium provides you near real-time help. Crucial for enterprise solutions and for the scaling businesses. €750 per month.